How to write squared symbol in word
How to write squared symbol in word

how to write squared symbol in word

The Alt key in Windows and the Option key in Macbook have similar purposes. In this article, we will discuss ways to type the square (²) symbol in Word or Excel. It may be a Chinese alphabet, it may be a currency symbol, or it may be a mathematical expression. While in Excel, there are a lot of hidden features that can change the expression written in a cell, there are shortcuts that will let you write exactly what you want.

how to write squared symbol in word

The shortcuts depend on the applications, and for Word and Excel, they are the same. They are not present as distinct keys, but they can be inserted using shortcuts. When using a Windows or Macbook, you will be amazed to know that your keyboard can type more than a hundred more features than you know. You can successfully insert the square symbol this way. In Windows, you can use Alt+0178 or Alt+253 (using the numeric keyboard). However, there are some built-in shortcuts to type the symbol. You can type 2 there to make it look like a square symbol. To type the square symbol, you can use superscript (the x 2 button above in the Home section) to type anything that will go above the script.

how to write squared symbol in word

In a Word document or Excel sheet, mathematical functions are of great use, and functions like these are needed from time to time. Inserting the square ( 2) symbol may be useful sometimes.

How to write squared symbol in word how to#

However, it must also be noted that such shortcuts are rarely known by the regular users of the computer. In this article, we are going to see, How to type 2 squared symbols in Word or Excel?- Ī square sign is a typical example. There are lots of shortcuts hidden inside the keys that bring up interesting writings on the screen. The keyboard keys are not the end of the world. Sometimes, we want to type-specific symbols and signs that are beyond the keys of the keyboard.

How to write squared symbol in word