Realflow lava tutorial
Realflow lava tutorial

realflow lava tutorial

The other way is to add another gravity deamon that points down the riverbed to simulate a slope. One is to just rotate your geometry so that it has a slope to it. There are two ways of accomplishing this. To encourage the particles to flow down the riverbed, your riverbed has to be on a slope. Youll notice that your emitter spits out particles, but the particles dont really flow down the riverbed. This kills particles that might wonder off into infinity. Next, add a kill Volume deamon and scale it to fill the whole scene. This deamon will add a little bit of randomness to the sim. First, add a gravity deamon, I dont think I need to explain why. Next we going to add a few deamons to the scene. Place it at one of the ends to your riverbed and scale it so it will fill the bed with particles.

realflow lava tutorial

Once your scene is scaled, you can start adding emitters. You can play with the scaling until its a size you like. So instead of scaling to 0.01, Im scaling to 0.333. In my example I want my lava flow to feel bigger. Now I say appropriate because you dont have to be mathematically precise. What this means is Realflow scaled your centimeters to meters! You need to set your scene scale back down to an appropriate level. Realflow simulates in meters and maya has exported your scene in centimeters. At this point you may notice that your riverbed is huge. Import your dry riverbed and delete the camera as you wont be needing it. At any rate you need to export you geometry from Maya using the Realflow SD plugin.

#Realflow lava tutorial how to

You will have to model your own riverbed, if you dont know how to make a riverbed, basic modeling skills can be acquired by following modeling tutorials on. We are going to simulate lava that flows through a dry riverbed. And last, I assume you also know how to read. Second, I assume that you have a rudimentary understanding of Maya. First, I assume you have a basic grasp of Realflow liquid simulation. For this tutorial Im making a few basic assumptions. You will need a copy of both Next Limit Realflow and Autodesk Maya. This guides main focus is to teach you how to texture realflow meshes and render them in Autodesk Maya. My name is Chris and Ill be showing you how to create a realistic lava flow.

Realflow lava tutorial